Thursday, October 1, 2009

Day Three and a Half

I have now done my infomercial exercise for the past two days!!! I'm very pleased because I've been working long hours all week and I never thought I would be able to get up and just exercise. But I did! These exercises are insane but totally kicking my ass. (Just what I need)It's the best feeling when I can watch "The Biggest Loser" on television and not feel guilty when Jillian (or Bob, who is not so nice this season) goes off on a contestant for not sprinting for thirty seconds after a grueling hour of exercise. I do feel I need to up the ante on how long I exercise as my DVD workouts run for about forty minutes. But ... I'm getting ahead of myself. I'm showing some type of commitment to this sixty day thing!
The downside:
Today, I had oatmeal for breakfast, which is a good thing, but I managed to forget my lunch. Because of my long hours today at work, I had to resort to dining out. My choice for lunch was a turkey burger ... with a side of fries. Somehow, I rationalized that by eating those fries, I was not cheating on my diet. Halfway through my meal, I didn't feel so justified and proceeded to beat myself down. Despite the guilt, I managed to eat every single fry. The upside is I still kept my caloric intake to about 1300-1400 calories today. I'm not really sure it was the healthiest way to do so.
Anyway, water under the bridge. By the way, I've lost two pounds since I've started this thing so I'm doing something right! ;)

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